World Famous Puzzle and Worksheet Makers The Teacher's Corner

Internet Snowman

Grades: K, 1st-2nd, and 3rd
Summary: In all three assignments, students access an online resource that allows them to build and save an image of their own snowman. We use that image in grade specific computer activties.
Requirements: This lesson uses Keynote (mac) or PowerPoint (pc) Software

For this assignment I created three levels. Each of these levels allows teachers to differentiate for their students. In all three assignments, students access an snowman maker that allows them to build their own snowman. Once they've built and named their snowman, they will save it as an image to their computer. Students then place the image within their document and complete the text. Below is an overview of each activity, along with templates and examples. Underneath this you will find the general directions to be used for all three activities.

This image gives you an idea of what the snowman will look like after it's been saved to students' computers:
MySnowman image
Click to Enlarge

Kindergarten Assignment
This assignment uses just one sentence of text: "My snowman's name is name." Students highlight the underlined text and replace with their own. Below is a screenshot of the Kindergarten level assignment

Kindi Snow image
Click to Enlarge

Templates for this project have been provided in both PowerPoint and Keynote formats.

1st & 2nd Grade Assignment
This assignment offers a little more support for students and uses the following cloze sentences:
My snowman's name is name.
My snowman is a boy/girl.
My snowman is wearing a color of scarf or hat.
In the winter, my snowman likes to activity.
This activity was good for 1st & 2nd grade students who needed just a little support. Below is a screenshot of the 1st & 2nd grade assignment.

Kindi Snow image
Click to Enlarge

Templates for this project have been provided in both PowerPoint and Keynote formats.

3rd Grade Assignment
This assignment does not offer any writing support for students. It is completely open ended (I had 3rd grade students type 5 sentences). Below is a screenshot of the 3rd grade assignment.

Kindi Snow image
Click to Enlarge

Templates for this project have been provided in both PowerPoint and Keynote formats.

Directions for All Assignments

  • Download the templates from this page, or create one of your own. Save this template to your students' computers.
  • Students will access either a Keynote or PowerPoint document on their computer. Once the document is open, students will visit the web site that is listed at the bottom of the slide to create their snowman.
  • Once students have created their snowman they will need to click on "Save", type their name and then click on "Save" again.
  • This will open a new window where students will be asked to save the image to their computer. I have students type their name and then save it to their desktop.
  • Students can then drag and drop their snowman image into the picture frame of either the PowerPoint or Keynote document.
  • Finally, students add their text.
  • If you want students to print these snowmen, you will need to change the settings within the printing options. You will want to print the document so the slide takes up the entire page.

Submitted by: Jennifer

Do you have additional ideas or activities that could help teachers? We would love to post them on The Teacher's Corner. Please contact us and let us know about them!

Any problems? Please let us know!