Fun gardening activities for St. Patrick's Day
One leaf is for HOPE...
The second for FAITH...
The third for LOVE...
And the fourth for LUCK!
Cut shamrock from a sponge. Moisten shamrock. Sprinkle with alfalfa seed. Keep moist. Set in dark place. Allow several days for shamrock to grow. Set in sunlight for shamrock to turn green.
Submitted by: Susan Seagraves SSeagraves@email-removed
Fun gardening activities for St. Patrick's Day
Seeds can be sown in small pots or trays using peat pellets, peat pots or any moist, well drained soil mix.
The seeds which are very small should be placed on the moist soil surface or lightly covered with soil. A clear dome or plastic cover should be placed over the pot or tray (supported at least 2" above the surface) and the pot or tray placed in a warm shaded location until the seeds have germinated (this will usually be in about a week).
Once the seeds have germinated and the first "seed" leaf appears (this will be a single leaf, not a clover leaf), remove the cover and place pot or tray in a sunny location, keep moist and do not allow soil to dry out. When the soil surface "lightens" and starts to dry, it's time to water. Depending on your pot or tray size and location, you may have to water every day or every second or third day. Only water, do not fertilize.
When two or three true clover leaves have formed, you can begin fertilizing with a liquid fertilizer at the recommended dosage for house plants.
You can buy shamrock seeds from the following sources:
Shamrock Seeds to Grow
Submitted by: Susan Seagraves SSeagraves@email-removed
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