St. Patrick's Day Activities
The St. Patrick's Day seasonal pages will provide you with resources to help bring the luck of the Irish to you and your students. Ideas within this section include: journal activities, craft ideas, lesson plans, and internet resources.
Your creativity can help other teachers.
Submit your St. Patrick's Day activity today.
Don't forget to include additional resources-documents, web sites, or a photo.

St. Patrick's Day celebrates Saint Patrick, the patron of saints of Ireland.
St. Patrick's Day is on:
March 17
- Growing Shamrocks Grades Any
Use existing shamrocks for the first St. Patrick's Day gardening activity. The second idea shows where to purchase shamrock seeds and along with a little TLC, you will have a garden of luck!
Submitted by: Susan Seagraves SSeagraves@email-removed
- Leprechaun Hair! Grades Any
This fun gardening activity will have your student's "growing" with excitement. Give each child a small cup. I try to get white bathroom cups for this activity. Spray paint the cups green. Using paint pens, draw a leprechaun's face on the cup. Fill the cup with dirt and plant grass seed in the cup. Water well and watch the seeds grow. You will see your leprechaun grow hair!. You need to begin the activity between 2-3 weeks before St. Patrick's Day in order to have enough hair in the cup.
Submitted by: Susan Seagraves SSeagraves@email-removed