World Famous Puzzle and Worksheet Makers The Teacher's Corner

Halloween Coordinate Graphing

Note for the teacher: If students plot this correctly, on a numbered grid, they will end up with a drawing of a jack-o-lantern.

Print out the directions below - it is more fun if you don't tell them what they will end up with!

Halloween Coordinate Graphing

Plot these points on the grid. Join them up, using a ruler, in this order.

{1, 13} {3, 14} {6, 14} {7, 16} {8, 16} {7, 14} {11, 14} {13, 13} {13, 11} {13, 9} {13, 7} {12, 5} {10, 3} {7. 3} {4, 3} {2, 5} {1, 7} {1, 9} {1, 11} .
Join this last point up with {1, 13}.


{3, 9} {4, 11} {5, 9}. Join this last point up with {3, 9}.


{8,9} {9, 11} {10, 9}. Join this last point up with {8, 9}.


{6, 8} {7, 8} {7,7} {6, 7}. Join this last point up with {6, 8}.


{4, 6} {6, 6} {6, 5} {7, 5} {7, 6} {8, 6} {8, 5} {9, 5} { 9, 6} {10, 6} {9, 4} {8, 4} {7, 4} {6, 4} { 5, 4}. Join this last point up with {4, 6}.

Submitted by: Nancy lefebure@email-removed

Halloween Activities More Fun Halloween Activities

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