1. I was thinking of having a theme day for the World Series (when it starts next month) on a Friday.
MATH- work with decimals. have kids figure batting averages. give them a players stats and they make a baseball card- they have to figure batting average
READING- there's a picture book about Lou Gehrig to read.
WRITING- make up small story starters. Put kids in teams of 4-5 sitting in rows behind each other. First person starts writing to the starter- when time is called- pass paper behind them, their teammate continues writing story, etc. Starters could be about baseball! MUSIC- sing take me out to the ballgame.
RECESS- play tennis baseball.
OTHER- kids an dress in shirts/ jerseys of baseball teams and can wear baseball hats for day. Could also have peanuts and cracker jacks for snack.
Submitted by: Jen JPeter1113@email-removed
2. Here are some great web sites:
Math Baseball
Major League Baseball
3. You can buy a pack of baseball cards to get different stats. - They're on the back of each card.
Take me out to the ballgame,
Take me out to the crowd.
Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks
I don't care if I never get back!
So it's root, root, root for the home team,
if they don't win it's a shame.
For it's ONE!, TWO!, THREE strikes! you're out at the ol' ballgame!
Submitted by: JPeter1113@email-removed
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