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Baseball Activities & Lesson Plans

The Baseball seasonal pages will provide you with excellent learning opportunities to celebrate this "Great American Past Time". Ideas within the baseball pages include: math activities, baseball history, journal activities, and lesson plans.

Your creativity can help other teachers. Submit your baseball activity today. Don't forget to include additional resources-documents, web sites, or a photo.

New Activities

Baseball seasonBaseball Season starts in early April, and ends in October.


Check our April Events Calendar for more important dates

The Teacher's Corner Resources This indicates resources located on The Teacher's Corner.

  • Baseball Card Graph Analysis
    Help kids read a graph incorporating baseball cards collected throughout the year (PDF worksheet included).
    Submitted by: Jill Cooke, Oak Hammock Middle, Ft. Myers, FL
  • Hey Batter, Wake Up!
    Story analysis about traveling across time zones and jet lag/fatigue (PDF worksheet included).
    Submitted by: Jill Cooke, Oak Hammock Middle, Ft. Myers, FL
  • The Magic School Bus: Plays Ball
    Questions about The Magic School Bus: Plays Ball Video. (PDF worksheet, and video included).
    Submitted by: Jill Cooke, Oak Hammock Middle, Ft. Myers, FL

Baseball Almanac Grades Various
Learn about various aspects of the game.

Little League Baseball
An article that focuses on what baseball and softball can teach us.

Printable Worksheets Grades Elementary
Baseball Shape Books, Coloring Pages, and Activities

The Science of Baseball
A great resource to help you and your students learn about the science aspects of baseball.

Baseball: Fact or Fiction
Students compare prior knowledge about baseball before the lesson to learned knowledge after researching information about baseball. Students improve research skills and knowledge of baseball history.

Baseball: The Game and Beyond
" . . .Have you ever wondered why a curveball curves, or how ERA is calculated? Well in this site we try to answer those questions along with many more. You can learn how to score a game and study the physics behind baseball."

Fantasy Baseball Grades Intermediate - Middle School
Students will study a thematic unit based on the game of baseball to investigate number and number relations.

Learning From Baseball Grades Any
There are activities that teach how baseball is related to science, math, writing, and American History.

Negro Leagues Baseball Grades 4-9
Two lesson plans that explore the development of African American baseball. Students make a timeline, and research players to design a baseball card. Designed for use with Foosteps magazine, but adaptable.

Playing Baseball in Your Classroom Grades Any
A flexible, adaptable game to motivate your students.

Take Them Out to the Ball Game
When baseball fever strikes, these activities from Education World can be the perfect antidote. Included: A stadium full of activities and links to team sites, baseball math sites, cross-curricular projects -- and even the famous Abbott and Costello "Who's On First?" script!
Submitted by: Elizabeth Bruhmuller bruhmull@email-removed

Seasonal Activities Back to our Seasonal Activities Index

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