Hello Mr. Turkey "If Your Happy and You Know It"
Hello, Mr. Turkey-How are you?
Hello, Mr. Turkey-How are you?
With a Gobble, Gobble, Gobble
And a Wobble, Wobble, Wobble
Hello, Mr. Turkey-How are you?
Repeat and clap in between verses
A Turkey Ran Away tune of "Farmer in the Dell"
A turkey ran away,
Upon Thanksgiving Day, said he
They'll make a roast of me
And so I will not stay.
(Continue with other Thanksgiving foods) eg. A cranberry ran away.....
They'll make a sauce of me... A pumpkin ran away... they'll make a pie
of me... etc.
Turkey, Turkey (tune: Twinkle, Twinkle)
Turkey, Turkey look at you
please be careful what you do
Thanksgiving Day will soon be here
We eat turkey every year
Go and hide out in the woods
We'll eat pizza as we should.
We Eat Turkey (sing to the tune of "Where is Thumbkin")
We eat turkey we eat turkey
Yum, yum, yum
Yum, yum, yum
Always on Thanksgiving a
Always on Thanksgiving
Yum, yum, yum
Yum, yum, yum
Add other foods we eat at Thanksgiving
Mr. Turkey (to the tune Yankee Doodle)
Mr. Turkey, better watch out!
Thanksgiving Day is coming.
If you're not careful you'll end up in someone's hungry tummy!
Mr. Turkey, run, run run.
Please run away and hide!
Mr. Turkey, run, run, run.
Don't wait around outside!
This isn't just a turkey,
As anyone can see.
I made it with my hand,
Which is a part of me.
It comes with lots of love.
Especially to say,
I hope you have a very happy
Thanksgiving Day!
We Are Thankful (to the tune of Frere Jacque)
We are thankful, we are thankful
For our families, for our families
On Thanksgiving Day
You will hear us say
Thank you, Thank you
Same thing with
We are thankful for our friends...
We are thankful for our food...
If I were a turkey
on Thanksgiving Day,
and you invited me to dinner
this is what I'd say:
"It's nice of you to ask me,
but I really cannot come.
I'd rather eat my dinner
than be eaten by someone.
Tune of The More We Get Together the Happier We'll Be
Gobble, gobble, gobble, fat turkey, fat turkey!
Gobble, gobble, gobble, fat turkeys are we.
We're not here for living,
We're here for thanksgiving!
Gobble, gobble, gobble, fat turkeys are we.
I am Popcorn ( Sung to the tune of Frere Jacques)
I am popcorn, I am popcorn
In the pan, in the pan
Watch me start hopping
Watch me start popping
Here I go - Pop! Pop! Pop!
Now I'm ready, now I'm ready
Puffy and white, crunchy every bite
Here comes the butter,
Here comes the salt.
Here I go - Now I'm gone!
Thanksgiving Day
Thanks - giv-ing, Thanks-giv-ing, thanks-giv-ing day.
c c d e f g a f Bb a g f g (chords)
With blue skies and frost-y nights and win-ter on its way!
a c a a c a f d f d
Thanks-giv-ing, thanks-giv-ing, all the year through,
c c d e f g a f Bb a g f
Each day's a thanks-giv-ing day be-cause I'm friends with you.
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