Fox in Socks Activities
Find a fun activities and vocabulary lessons and puzzles to go with your "
Fox in Socks". Below you will find lesson ideas, an eating adventure, vocabulary, some puzzles and more to make this Dr. Seuss classic more exciting!
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- Tongue Twisters Grades Various
This book is written as a tongue twister. Invite students to write their own tongue twisters. Introduce the concept of alliteration, the repetition of the beginning sound in two or more words together. To help them practice this concept, you may want to introduce other popular tongue twisters. Here are a couple sites:
Funny Tongue Twisters for Kids,
Tongue Twisters for Kids.
Once your students have had some exploration time, have them begin to plan their own piece of writing. Provide students with the worksheet from below.
The sheet has four columns: nouns, verbs, adjectives, and other parts of speech. Prior to beginning their brainstorming, students will need to select a letter. Here are a couple of different ways to do this: put the letters in a jar and have them draw one out or have students use their initials. Depending on the age of your students, give them 10-20 minutes to brainstorm as many words as they can for each column using their assigned letter. After their brainstorming, students can use a light colored crayon or highlighter to select their favorites - the ones they will use for their tongue twister. Once students have completed the writing process, they are ready to publish. We have provided publishing pages below that you can download and copy for each of your students. You may also want to use your own style of paper. Either way, mount the final tongue twisters and illustrations on colored construction paper and display. A couple additional publishing options include: have your students publish their work online or even create a podcast of their twister.

- Story Vocabulary Grades Various
Rhyming vocabulary cards from Fox in Socks. Click to open the file, then print and use them in a number of ways.
- Vocabulary Puzzles Grades Various
Using the words in the Fox in Socks vocabulary list above, we created a word list for our puzzle makers. You can very quickly make a Fox in Socks Word Search or Fox in Socks Word Scramble. Make a puzzle in seconds by sliding down and clicking the generate button, or make these more fun by adding your own words (i.e. student names), we used the smiley face option to make our word search!
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