The following are Welcome Back Assembly themes that I have used for an elementary school (grades K-8).
Mystery Morning
Another teacher and I made magnifying glasses for each student out of construction paper and Saran wrap writing "Welcome Back" around to border. We had all the grades in the cafeteria for breakfast and to receive their magnifying glasses so they could search for clues in their classroom. Each grade level and/or each class had a mystery to solve from grades Kindergarten to Second. My coworker and myself wrote some rhymes and riddles for the students to solve and gave each student a small prize. From grades Third up we used the book one minute mysteries and had one winner per grade. It was a great way to get the students thinking and a wonderful way to welcome the students back parents and students complimented us on a great assembly.
Wild Wild West Welcome Back Assembly
We gave each student a half sheet of construction paper with a cut out pasted on that said "Wanted", a place for them to put their picture and a space provided for each student to write what they are wanted for good grades, better handwriting, etc. We also gave a hand out to each student about some Wild West facts. We rented appropriate grade level Wild West movies for each class to watch and had franks and chili for lunch. The day ended with a ride on a horse or pony in the school parking lot rented from nearby stables.
Watch us Grow Welcome Assembly
Each grade met in the cafeteria for breakfast and a welcome back talk from myself. By the way, I am the fourth grade teacher. I handed out hand made apple magnets with the middle cut out so the students could insert their school picture. I also wrote on "Welcome" on the border. The assembly included a place for the students to record their height and weight. We gave each student hand outs about Johnny Appleseed and puzzles to do when they returned to their classroom. I usually think hard all summer about the theme and then one pops into my head around September all these ideas have been very successful we sometimes invite the parents to come.
Submitted by: Theresa Youssef
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