100th Day Celebration Activities
The 100th Day Celebration seasonal pages will provide you with resources and activities to celebrate your first 100 days of school. Ideas within this section include: writing activities, games, craft ideas, lesson plans, and internet resources.
Your creativity can help other teachers.
Submit your 100th Day Celebration activity today.
Don't forget to include additional resources-documents, web sites, or a photo.

- Data & Statistics Grades Any
Have your students practice their data collecting skills with coins and dice. Download and print the collection sheets (dice & coin) for each student.
Depending on the age of your students, they can complete these activities as a class, in small groups, or as individuals.
Prior to collecting the data, have students estimate the data results for both the coins and dice.
Flip a coin 100 times. Roll a dice 100 times. Each flip/roll students will use a tally mark to record the result. Some computers may have a digital coin or dice. Using this would be a fun addition to the traditional flipping and tossing.
Students can then total their tally marks and compare data.
EXTENSION: If your class collaborates with another class, via Edmodo or Skype, contact that teacher and plan to have the two classes compare data.
- 100 Seconds Grades Primary
Students learn how to estimate time while celebrating their 100th Day. We count out 10 seconds, and try to visualize just how long 100 seconds will be. Then I have the children close their eyes and raise their thumb at their desk when they think 100 seconds have passed. Of course, no peeking or talking is allowed. This is a great activity that can also be used to quiet a rowdy class.
Submitted by: RoseyB@email-removed
- "100 Things" Grades Primary
Have your students look for unique items! On the 100th day, everyone's homework is to bring in a collection of 100 something. I send home baggies clipped to a drawing of the "100 Bear", and the children must put their 100-collections into the baggie. Pennies are not allowed. The goal is to bring in something different than everyone else. Those whose collections are not duplicated get to choose a prize from the prize box.
Submitted by: email-removed
- 100th Day Glasses Grades Primary
These can be purchased at a very reasonable price or made. One year we used white poster paper and put spots on it to the theme of 101 Dalmatians. This was the year the movie came out. We punched out holes on either end of the glasses and tied yarn. (I had parents to help, 1 at each group) and it was not a difficult activity to do.)
Submitted by: Pattymal@email-removed
- 100 Bubbles Grades Primary
Get together with your grade level and blow 100 bubbles. If it's a nice day you can do it outdoors or out the classroom door.... Which ever is your style.
Submitted by: Pattymal@email-removed
- 100th Day Journal & Activity Pages
FREE printable 100th Day journal & activity pages! (PDF format)

- Cereal Necklace Grades Primary
This activity has students working on the fine motor skills, as well as counting. You will need yarn and any "0" cereal that can be threaded such as Fruit Loops, Cheerios, Honey Nut Cheerios, etc. Sort colors together to make 4 groups of 25 or you can have each child in a learning group have a different necklaces of 25 to total 100. There are many different variations depending on how long you want to spend with this activity.
Submitted by: Pattymal@email-removed
- Estimation Grades Primary
During the week before, I have large circles to trace and cut out of construction paper, and little feet already traced for the children to cut. I collect them all and put them away. As the children arrive at school on the 100th day, they are greeted by a very long (50-segment) caterpillar with 100 legs. Their goal is to estimate and later count the legs.
Submitted by: Unknown
- Favorite Food Grades Primary
We make a list of 100 of our favorite foods.
Submitted by: email-removed
- Food Estimating Activity Grades Primary
Ice cream cones or cups with 100 sprinkles.
Submitted by: Pattymal@email-removed
- Hearts & Hugs Grades Primary
As the 100th day is always in early February, we make a big card with 100 heart stickers to give to the office -- signed with the love of 100 First-grade hugs.
Submitted by: Unknown
- How Far Can We Go? Grades Primary
We estimate as a class just how far we can walk on campus with 100 giant steps. I always choose one of my taller children as the one who will lead the line and count the giant steps, but the rest of the class comes along and we are all stepping and counting. On the way back from where ever we go (usually the office), I choose one of my shorter children to be the leader. Then we discuss in class why it took more steps to return than it did to get to the office.
Submitted by: Unknown
- My Favorite Things Grades Primary
We make a booklet of "My favorite thing from the first 100 days of school", with each child contributing a page. We try to make sure that each page is different, so we make as long a list as possible on the board of activities from the first 100 days.
Submitted by: Unknown
- Physical 100th Day Activity Grades Primary
A fun way for younger students to get their 100th Day celebrations off on the right "roll". I put a huge 100 in front of my door. Using an old white twin sheet or a light colored inexpensive light, plain, shower curtain, I draw a 10 in permanent marker (this part is taped securely to the outside wall and one big 0 is positioned in front of the door-make sure the bottom part of the 0 is directly on the floor). I use a gym mat inside the door which is secured underneath in heavy duty tape so it doesn't move. I work as the "spotter" and as the children enter the classroom that morning, they do a forward roll. The children who don't want to do a forward role, can jump through with the teacher again being the "spotter." When we do follow-up journals about our 100 day activities, for some reason, this is the one that always ranks on top as the most fun activity of the day!
Submitted by: Pattymal@email-removed
- 100th Day Puzzle Grades Primary
Use sturdy white cardstock to make this student-created puzzle. Make the # 100 in large letters. The children can make this themselves on a sturdy piece of paper (Bubble letters are fun). Let the children color and decorate. Cut the shape in 4 or 5 large pieces. Mix your pieces up and see if you can put them back together again. Store the letters in a zip lock storage bag so the children can bring them home.
Submitted by: Pattymal@email-removed
- 100th Day Rubber Stamps Grades Primary
A hands-on counting activity. I have 10 desks set with rubber stamps and pads. Each child takes one piece of paper and stamps his paper 10 times at each of the desks to have 100 stamps. This is a great activity to help younger children understand the size of 100.
Submitted by: RoseyB@email-removed
- 100th Day Snack Grades Primary
This fun estimation and counting activity will produce a tasty product. I bring in a large clear bowl. (Make sure all hands are cleaned.) In center groups, we count out 10 groups of ten each of peanuts, M & M's, Fruit loops, raisins, marshmallows, etc. As each group of ten is counted into a 10-cup, we line the objects up on the floor in front of the bowl. Before counting begins, I have placed a masking-tape line in the middle of the bowl -- half-way to the top. The children each estimate whether 500 (or 600) items will fill more than half of the bowl, or less than half. After all items are counted and lined up, we start putting them into the bowl. The children are always astonished to learn that 500 or 600 snacking pieces will fill up less than 1/3 of the bowl. Then, I add the rest of the packages of M & M's, peanuts, raisins, etc. and we have a snack.
Submitted by: RoseyB@email-removed
- I'm 100 Year Old Grades Primary
Students picture themselves in the future. We draw a picture of what we will look like at age 100, and write a story about what we will be doing on our 100th birthday. An alternative is to write stories on other topics about being 100 years old. What are your favorite things to do when you are 100 years old?
Submitted by: RoseyB@email-removed
- 100th Day Writing Activities Grades Primary
A variety of fun and easy writing activities for your class. 100 reasons why I love ___ grade. This can be completed as a homework assignment. Just divide 100 by the number of children in your class. (if you have 25 students-each child writes 4 complete sentences). You can also have your students write: 100 silly words, 100 difficult spelling words, 100 math addition or subtraction problems, 100 books, etc.
Submitted by: Pattymal@email-removed
- Make 100th Day Printable Worksheets
Check out our large selection of "make your own" worksheets! Quickly make 100th Day crosswords, word search puzzles, word scrambles, match-ups and other great puzzles.
100th Day of School Activities Grades Primary
Here is a fun collection of activities for your class to try out!
Celebrate the 100th Day of School Grades Primary
A site sponsored by Scholastic.
Fun and Educational Activities for the 100th Day of School Grades Primary
The name says it all!
Teach Now: 100th Day
Great resources from the folks at Scholastic.
Back to our Seasonal Activities Index
EMAIL us your favorite 100th Day Activity!